Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nothing Bad can Happen to Me!

Day 1 of getting my life back on track and already I’m behind. I woke up this morning feeling terrible. I don’t know why, but I got out of bed 3 times before I finally forced myself up at 6. That means that I did not get a chance to fit in any exercise. I also didn’t leave myself with enough time to eat breakfast either, so that left me hungry and a little nauseous, which “forced” to go step out for a Timmy’s break mid morning.

The Timmy’s break is not on my diet, so that’s a further step back, also it means spending money that I don’t have, which puts me further off my financial goals. It was –also a pretty bad day at work. So all-in-all the first day of the Get-Your-S$%t-Together Plan of the GYST Plan was not a total success. Never fear; tomorrow is a new day, and a new opportunity to prove that I can get myself back on track.

I worked briefly with a woman who always told that there is a difference between a dream and a goal. A dream is a vague vision or idea of what we want, and a goal is a detailed plan of how we’re going to get there. Specifically a goal has a deadline. So I am going to put my head down and start to put a detailed plan in place so that I am living a different life by Easter 2011.

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