Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where's the Funny?

I am currently enjoying, what seems like a rare moment of peace. I am sitting next to a sleeping turtle, and I know that the dog is sleeping in her chair on the other side of the room. This moment, regardless of how short it may be is pure bliss.

I was thinking earlier today about the subhead of my blog, bright lights, big city, hilarious dog. I was thinking about how my blog doesn’t contain a lot of city glamour or hilarity. This will never be a story like Marley and Me. For starters my dog is trained and fairly well behaved, where I didn’t think Marley was well trained, and certainly I couldn’t have lived with that dog. For all of Cadie’s training she stills has her moments. The rain brought a lot of them to the fore over the last two days. I accept that we need rain, in addition to being a lover of animals I am also a gardener, and I value the rain; but Cadie just refuses to get her feet wet. So she steps out of the apartment building and puts the breaks on. She flat out refuses to go anywhere, and stands there, one dainty paw in the air, giving me the kind of dirty look that you usual see 14-year-old girls give their mothers when they catch them dancing to the radio. Cadie might be small, but she is a well-muscled dog, and if she decides that she’s not going somewhere then I can either give in, or I can pull and pull. I usually give in, because I’m afraid of hurting her.

Tonight however, I just couldn’t take it, two, almost three days of pent up dog energy, and cabin fever. I forced that dog out into the misty rain for a good thirty-minute walk. That did the trick. She has been lounging around ever since. Right now she is walking around me, just out of reach, trying to get me to go and snuggle with her on the couch. This is what I was thinking about today. I find this so endearing, and hilarious in it’s way, but it just doesn’t translate into dog hilarity for anyone who doesn’t also own a dog.

Still, even if the joke is only funny to me, I consider this to be another dog miracle, so I think I will go and join her.

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