Monday, April 5, 2010

Poor Cadie

Poor Cadie. The first truly great weekend of the year and she had to spend it inside with her sick mom. I headed out to my mum’s on Friday afternoon, and by late Friday afternoon I was in bed. This was supremely disappointing to Cadie. My Mum has a new rabbit, which fascinated Cadie, unfortunately she was stuck in the bedroom with me. My Mum’s dogs were in and out of the house, playing in the back yard, not Cadie, she was stuck with me. I did manage to get her out for at least 1 walk a day, so she did get some exercise.

The saddest moment of the weekend happened Sunday morning; my mother was taking her Roz out for an early walk, and my brother was taking his dog, Griffin, out for a walk. Cadie saw this happening, and came flying down to come and tell me. Unfortunately I was still not up for going for a walk, so poor Cadie had to sit at home while all the other dogs got to go out and enjoy the sunshine. I made it up to her, I took her out after dinner, and the other dogs had to stay home.

Today we had to see the vet. We get along well with out vet. It’s fantastic, she’s mobile, so I head over to my mum’s, and get a book, or turn on the TV, and when it’s our turn she shows up at the door. We love it. It also means that Cadie doesn’t have to deal with the stress of going to the vet’s office. Now, we are back to trial and error with Cadie’s food. I need to start keeping a food diary to try to get to the root of her digestive issues. Anyway, I should go and brush her, so that I can give her a chewy stick.

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